Some unknown facts about the world’s richest man Elon Musk

Pranta Saha
3 min readJun 1, 2021

The number of total assets

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, has a net worth of 191 billion. According to the Bloomberg index, Elon Musk is now the wealthiest person in the world. He has overtaken Jeff Bezos, the head of the wealthiest Amazon, for the past three years. Last year, Tesla’s share price increased almost eight times. Mask 7 has a 20 percent share in Tesla.

South African boy

Elon Musk was born in 1981 in Pretoria, South Africa. After separating from his parents, Musk moved to Canada with his mother and siblings after high school. He enrolled at a university in Ontario but later earned a master’s degree in physics and economics from the University of Pennsylvania in the United States.

Did not finish his education

After graduation, get a chance to do a Ph.D. at Stanford University in the United States. But in the addiction of earning money, Ph.D. Remains elusive. So instead, he is currently the icon of the world’s youth as an entrepreneur.


At the age of ten, Commodore VIC-20 became interested in computers. Learn computer programming 6 At the age of 12, he created a video game called Blaster using the primary programming language and sold it to PC and Office Technology Magazine for 500.


Along with his brother as an entrepreneur, he set up a software company called Zip-Two Although it started its journey in 1995, it took time to succeed. He slept in the office as there was no cost to stay in the apartment. In 1999, he sold the Jeep 2 to Compaq for 22 million.


He reached the pinnacle of success by launching a digital money transaction service called PayPal. In 1999, he founded an organization called, which later merged with PayPal. In 2002, PayPal sold eBay for 1.5 billion. He made buns 165 million from the sale.

Space X’s Mars mission

Rocket manufacturing company SpaceX 7 After the successful launch of the SpaceX rocket Falcon Heavy last February, Musk became the talk of the town. He repeatedly failed to launch the Falcon 1 rocket from SpaceX but did not give up. Mask 7 plans to build a full-fledged city on Mars by 2050


When the company was founded in 2003, Mask 8 was not with it. Later, when Elon Musk joined the board of directors in 2004, the company underwent a radical change. Product Engineer of the electric car manufacturer.

Bangabandhu Satellite

Elon Musk’s company Space X7 has sent Bangabandhu satellite into space. The Bangabandhu-1 telecom satellite was launched into space in May 2016 by Space-X’s most advanced Falcon rocket.


Founded in 2016, Musk recently unveiled a brain-machine interface that will connect computers and mobile phones to the human brain.


As the company’s CEO, he earns only a year. Mask gets some more benefits, including dividends from various companies he owns, most of which come from Tesla. Getting a salary of

One a year is a trend in Silicon Valley.

Controversial character mask 6 loves to give birth to controversy. Tweeted various controversial tweets on Twitter At various times, he got involved in conflicts with the associates of his organization Comedian Joe Rogan once smoked marijuana during a live broadcast on a podcast.

